Even through Danger is our name, safety is our game.
We value the health of our team, clients and contractors and we always strive to make our working environments safe so everyone can do their best work without having to worry.

To keep everyone safe, we will:

  • Hold all of our meetings via Zoom or another preferred video conferencing option
  • Work with our clients to create great media content without conducting in-person shoots and working to provide options for our clients to continue to communicate effectively without meeting in person
  • If a shoot is necessary we will follow all MN Department of Health and CDC Guidelines including being strategic about minimizing personnel on location, working outdoors whenever possible, wearing masks, hand washing/sanitizing, maintaining a 6-foot distance between all personnel, working to minimize our time on set, checking temperatures of all personnel when they arrive on location and after any breaks as well as sanitizing all equipment before and after use. Our official on-set protocol one-pager is below.

We want to work with you to navigate these abnormal times while continuing to market and communicate as you need to.